Top 3 Tips for Photographing your own kids with your iPhone

I get it, having a professional take your family portraits is important, but unless your a Kardashian, chances are you’re not going to have your very own photographer following you around capturing your every day life.

The advancements in camera phone technology is incredible and it’s so easy to whip your phone out and snap a photo of your little ones.

So here are some tips to help improve your own photography

  1. Get down on their level. Connecting at eye level rather than looking down on your subject will make for a much more compelling image.

  2. Make sure their face is the brightest part of the image. Photographing near a window or open doorway will give you access to natural light to brighten faces. As photographers what we’re looking for before anything else is the light.

  3. Cheese is for mice. Saying cheese to the camera will only leave you with unnatural cheesey looking smiles. Kids have some amazing expressions if you let them act naturally, sometimes the most meaningful expressions happen when the subject isn’t smiling.


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